We Built This City

While I wrote my last post, about the rapid changes that occurred in the last century or so, and the amount of things my grandmother, born in 1899, would not recognise if she were still around now, (she died in 1989) - there was a story hovering just at the back of my memory. It was... Continue Reading →


A few weeks ago I wrote a post about a day back in circa 1988, when I was stranded in a small beach town, with a 10 digit phone number written on a piece of paper, that wasn't getting through to anyone because the phone it was ringing was "out of range." Back then, after the... Continue Reading →

Forgotten, again. Poor cockroaches.

Any cockroach will tell you that it was inevitable. Being an arrogant human being, of course I would completely overlook cockroaches when I wrote my last post. Of course, cockroaches can't type, and if even they could, they don't have little cockroach sized computers. Maybe we are lucky that they don't, because otherwise they would... Continue Reading →

A Really Brief History of Time

7.5 billion years ago: Things are pretty quiet as far as we can see. Earth does not yet exist, which accounts for the lack of extra noise. Out in the universe, stars burn away for millions of years, and that's about it for action, really. Occasionally they explode, which livens things up for a while. As it... Continue Reading →

Black holes and other things I dont know enough about

There's a lot to wonder about out there.... The supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy. What do I wish I knew more about??? Oh, there is so much that could come into that category! After all, I named my blog "It keeps me wondering" for a reason!!! I like wondering about all... Continue Reading →

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