How Much I Hate Milk

One of the great advantages of being a blogger who writes a personal blog, apart from all the paid writing gigs,* is that I never need to be stuck for an answer again, when  filling out a survey, updating my CV, or just making polite small talk, as to what my interests and hobbies are. Of course, I... Continue Reading →

Metamorphosis, again: more morph, less…..milk???

Well, time goes by, and before you know it, it's more than a week since you last wrote a post on your blog. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday I  was reminiscing about how I read Metamorphosis in one sitting, while I sat on the floor of an empty house.  Let's... Continue Reading →

Creme Caramel: a recipe for disaster?

This afternoon my 10 year old daughter wants me to help her make creme caramel! All I can say is, Junior Master Chef has a lot to answer for. Creme caramel is the kind of dish I would never attempt if it wasn't for her requesting my"help" with it. Thanks to the fervor the show has sparked... Continue Reading →

Competing Moustaches

As so often happens, it seems as if I unwittingly tuned into the Zeitgeist, and grotesque moustaches are the latest must-have item. The Age must have got wind of my high rating, crowd pleasing* posts on Nietzsche's moustache, and decided to compete with me, by featuring a different but almost as hideous moustache on the cover... Continue Reading →

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