The Gloaming

Darkness  (A very delayed response to a WordPress Daily Post prompt from about a week ago.)  * darkness: absence of light; the quality of being dark in color At this time of the year, when I rise in the morning it's in complete darkness. There's always that split-second shock, where I'm dragged out of some light-and-color-filled scenario... Continue Reading →

Think for yourself

It's that time of the academic year. Diligent students are putting their heads down, rolling up their sleeves, sharpening their imaginations, shaking the dust off the piles of reference books tottering on the desk next to them, and lazy (or time-challenged) students are turning desperately to Professor Google, in the hope of  finding easy answers... Continue Reading →

A Really Brief History of Time

7.5 billion years ago: Things are pretty quiet as far as we can see. Earth does not yet exist, which accounts for the lack of extra noise. Out in the universe, stars burn away for millions of years, and that's about it for action, really. Occasionally they explode, which livens things up for a while. As it... Continue Reading →

A tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing. (But it mentions stars exploding.)

In my last post I referred to the "spine-tingling" factor that happens when I contemplate the stars and universe.  As a reminder to all you regular readers out there (or should I say, "in there", since most of you exist only in my head?  Still, thanks for reading either way) - I'm talking about how... Continue Reading →

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