Lay lady lay

I realise that some will see this as a sacrilegious thing to say on Good Friday, but I have admitted it on this blog before, so I'll say it again regardless of the day: I'm not a huge Dylan fan. Yes, I'm afraid it's true. For this sin, I expect to have a few less... Continue Reading →

A few words from our sponsors

A Few Words From Our Sponsors is a new quarterly segment brought to you by our local business sponsor,  Moustaches Are Us, suppliers of quality moustaches to existentialists and philosophers for over 150 years. Below are our favourite words for Spring. * Posthumous the state of despair arrived at when you have eaten all your hummus* and... Continue Reading →

World of Wordcraft

Today, dear readers, you are in for a treat, because I rarely write posts by request. Of course, that's mostly because I never receive requests for my posts. In fact, I've never received a request for a piece of my writing in any format, actually, apart from when I was a kid and mum was always asking me to write a... Continue Reading →

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