Silly questions for a silly season

Do Christmas trees dream about their tree-filled past? Does a plum pudding think about fortitude? Do icicles worry about melting when the weather warms? Do bees ever try buzzing backwards? Do new shoes lying around separately, miss each other? Do plums consider any other virtues? Does a reindeer feel stressed, hearing Christmas songs? Do violins... Continue Reading →

Tiptoe, Through the Tulips

If you're reading this, give a cheer! You've made it through the end of the world, then Christmas, and finally Die of Boredom Boxing Day. Yay! Let's have a close look at these dates, in reverse order. First, Boxing Day. It's the day we  wake up, perhaps feeling a little under the weather, depending on how... Continue Reading →

Smugness at Christmas may lead to milk in your shoes

Once there was a person who, just before Christmas, was feeling very smug about how relaxed she was feeling. So relaxed, in fact, that she even wrote a smug post on her blog, sharing with the world her tips on how to remain similarly relaxed in the lead up to Christmas. Of course, pride goeth... Continue Reading →

Stress free Christmas – is it possible?

At last I've succumbed and been inspired to write something about Christmas. Yes, I am aware that it is coming. But I feel kind of smugly successful at having, so far, not got caught up in feeling stressed out by the whole silly season. Part of my relaxed state of mind is, I think, due... Continue Reading →

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