I am the cockroach

This weekend, once again, I had a burst of determination. It happens every now and then, and goes like this: I'm going to find a part-time job writing, so that all the time I spend writing, instead of doing housework or paid work or interacting with my family members or socialising, is not just indulgent, time-wasting, anti-social and ultimately meaningless.... Continue Reading →

I’m waiting for the band.

Name 3 musicians that I hope to see live some day? Well, I can easily name 2! The first is Tom Waits. It seems unlikely that I'll ever see him live, as apparently he doesn't particularly like flying overseas (I've read the unauthorised biography!) But if he ever decided to make the effort to come... Continue Reading →

Metamorphosis: harder than moving house? You be the judge.

It didn't escape my knowledge, when writing a post about cockroaches and their rightful place in the annals of history, that those supposedly loathsome little critters have been the subject of more than one artist's output. Not only has Melbourne musician Kim Salmon written a catchy little tune about the cockroach, but of course, more... Continue Reading →

Forgotten, again. Poor cockroaches.

Any cockroach will tell you that it was inevitable. Being an arrogant human being, of course I would completely overlook cockroaches when I wrote my last post. Of course, cockroaches can't type, and if even they could, they don't have little cockroach sized computers. Maybe we are lucky that they don't, because otherwise they would... Continue Reading →

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