A few words from our sponsors

A Few Words From Our Sponsors is a new quarterly segment brought to you by our local business sponsor,  Moustaches Are Us, suppliers of quality moustaches to existentialists and philosophers for over 150 years. Below are our favourite words for Spring. * Posthumous the state of despair arrived at when you have eaten all your hummus* and... Continue Reading →

The history of Nietzsche’s moustache

It seems that I have lately been remiss in providing up-to-the-moment news for those readers who only subscribed in the first place because they need regular updates on the moustache of Mr. Freidrich Nietzsche. Now, admittedly this blog was not originally created to be the newsletter, (dare I say, mouthpiece?) for the above-mentioned moustache, but in an unexpected turn... Continue Reading →

The Curious Case of the Murderous Moustache

(To be read in a BBC announcer's voice, circa 1950): At any given second, all around the world, people everywhere are bent over computer keyboards, feverishly typing phrases into search engines. What can so many people be searching for? Everyone who types something into a search engine, does so in the hope of gaining some... Continue Reading →

I've always been cautious about participating in group activities, but it seems I was tagged by Goldfish to play a blogging game. The rules of the game are: 1. Post these rules. 2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you. 3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.... Continue Reading →

You always take the weather with you

Is there anything better than beautiful weather? I'm sitting at home, on an evening that can only be described as beautiful, feeling as though nothing could be nicer. On a night like this it seems quite feasible that even being somewhere glamorous, involving hot springs, jacuzis and cocktails, would not be any nicer than just... Continue Reading →

Things that Nietzsche might have said

A long, long time ago, I spotted a photo of Nietzsche on the internet and was so taken aback at the size of his ridiculous moustache, that I was compelled to write at least one, if not two, posts about the topic of said moustache. It seemed as though I had got the moustache out... Continue Reading →

I still haven’t found what I’m looking for

Part of the fun of a blog is that you get to observe a little snippet of what search terms people all over the world are typing into their internet browsers. It's an insight into what really occupies people's minds when they should be doing other things. Take that young  investment banker over there, hair... Continue Reading →

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